lecdc board of trustees

The LECDC Board consists of community leaders from a diverse range of professions and organizations.

Gary Bardenhagen
Gary Bardenhagen graduated with a B.S. in Science and works as a system analyst for IBM at the Northern Michigan Computer Center. Gary came to Leelanau County in 1973 when he and his wife purchased her parent's fruit farm and they have been farming ever since. He joined the LECDC Board when he was asked by Patricia Soutas-Little to join  as a representative of agriculture. He is currently the Treasurer for the LECDC Board, as well as the Treasurer for the Leland Community United Methodist Church. In his free time, he enjoys numerous outdoor activities, especially biking.
Email: g.c.bardenhagen@gmail.com


Barbara Duvall
Barb Duvall has an M.S. in Environmental Education and a B.S. in Secondary Education, both from Michigan State University. She was an Educator at Michigan State University, specializing in youth financial literacy and workforce preparation skills. Barb has been based in Leelanau County for 31 of her 34 years at MSU , and retired in 2017. She lives in Lake Leelanau. She has two sons who both had enriching experiences at the Leelanau Children's Center, and feels that she is a better Mom because of the support from, and interactions with, the LCC staff and other parents. LCC was childcare and "Parenting Communities" for her family in the mid-1990s; She can attest to how critically important support and networking is for parents with little children. Barb is currently a member of the Suttons Bay - Leelanau County Rotary Club and serves on the board, a League of Women Voters member, and she supports a local foster Mom. She loves being active, and especially enjoys traveling and partner dancing.
Email: duvall@msu.edu

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Marian Kromkowski
Marian graduated from Indiana University with a B.A. in History, and continued to Wayne State University Law School as a Juris Doctor. She works as a lawyer, mediator, and domestic relations referee. She lives in Suttons Bay Township. She got started at the LECDC because all children deserve a healthy and safe start in life with early childhood options that allow them to grow into happy and secure members of our community. Marian was first asked by Maggie Sprattmoran to help develop LECDC's 501(3)(c) tax status. Working on that project lead her to become more involved in the organization, so she agreed to serve on the Board. Giving back to the community with a focus on the youngest members and their parents have given her great joy and much hope for the future. In terms of community involvement, Marian is a involved in the LECDC, the Suttons Bay-Leelanau County Rotary Club, Northport Lions Club, Leelanau Substance Abuse Coalition, Aging Well in Leelanau, the League of Women Voter of Leelanau County and its Farm Labor Task Force, Age Friendly Leelanau, Early Childhood Needs and Service committees, By the Bay Garden Club of Suttons Bay, Leelanau Conservancy, ShareCare of Leelanau, Inc., and Conflict Resolution Services and Justice for Our Neighbors of West Michigan. Marian loves Leelanau County, its people, and its natural beauty. She is very happy that she and her husband, Matthew Posner, moved here in 1987 to raise their three daughters in Suttons Bay. Aside from being active in many organizations, she loves to garden, hike, read, and cook. She especially likes to create her own recipes from local produce.
Email: mfkrom@gmail.com


Michael Long
email: mjlong@zimmerman-long.com
Attorney, Zimmerman-Long
Associate Judge, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians


Bob MacEachran
Bob has a D.A., M.A., and E.D.S. from Western Michigan University. He is a retired Superintendent of Suttons Bay Schools and retired Coordinator of the Leelanau County Family Coordination Council. He currently lives in Suttons Bay, and became involved in the LECDC through his work as a former board member of the Leelanau Children’s Center, and founding member of LCFCC when early childhood emphasis was made a top area of focus. He is an educational consultant, church leader, and President of the Bayview Condo Home Owen’s Association. Bob’s a creative problem solver, strategic planner, and active grandparent to eight.
Email: lakemacs@gmail.com

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Mary Manner
Mary Manner has a B.S. and a M.S. in Zoology from Michigan State University. She is the Great Start Coordinator at Venture North Funding and Development and lives on Old Mission Peninsula. She believes that Leelanau County has been a leader in early childhood programming for over twenty years, and she is honored to support the efforts of the LECDC to ensure that all families living in the county can find the resources and help they need to prepare their young children for school and life. As a Great Start Coordinator for the five-county area (Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau), Mary promotes increased collaboration and investment in early childhood throughout the region, and supports parent leadership through programs and services that educate adults about child development and parenting. On the state level, Mary works to increase the quality of child care programs and improve the status and compensation of early childhood educators. When she is not at her desk or computer, you can find Mary paddling her kayak out of Bowers Harbor or visiting one of her three grown children.
Email: mary@venturenorthfunding.org

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Thor Mikesell
Thor Mikesell graduated from the University of Michigan Dental School and currently works as a dentist. He lives in Suttons Bay Township and has five boys, some of whom have participated in early childhood programs here in Leelanau County. He's a scoutmaster, in the Rotary Club, and serves as President over church youth leaders. In his spare time, he likes to hunt, fish, camp, fly, paint, and spend time with his family. 
Email: mikesellthor@gmail.com


Joseph Povolo
Joseph Povolo has a Masters of Arts in Administration from Central Michigan University. He is a Family Court Administrator and resides in Elmwood Township. He is the former President of the Leelanau Children’s Center Board, and a lifelong advocate for children, passionate about giving parents the support they need for raising children to become the best adults they are capable of. Joseph volunteers for the Father Fred Foundation and is Treasurer of the Leelanau Family Coordinating Council. He has raised three children, two grandchildren, and loves golf, playing guitar, and enjoys a good beverage made of hops.
Email: jpovolo@co.leelanau.mi.us

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Patricia Soutas-Little
Patricia has a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Michigan State University, and a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Communications & Theatre from the University of Utah. She is a retired faculty from the College of Engineering and Clinical Director of the Biomechanics Evaluation Laboratory. Currently she is President and CEO of Solira Labs, the Leelanau County Commissioner in District #5 (Leland and Centerville Townships), and chair of the Leelanau Peninsula Economic Foundation, a 501(c)3 corporation. Patricia connected with the LECDC back in 2009 by attending a meeting of interested individuals in securing ongoing funding for early childcare programs in Leelanau county. In 2013, the LECDC asked those individuals to join as board members and Patricia came on in 2014. She has been involved in many community organizations, from the Lake Leelanau Community Association to the League of Women Voters in Leelanau County. Patricia and her husband, Robert, have lived in Leelanau County since 2001 and vacationed here since the early 80’s. To her, the spirit of Leelanau is the people who live here, and she is glad to have the opportunity to help Leelanau grow and continue to thrive. She also has a well-kept secret avocation: she’s a prestidigitator still dabbling in magic.
Email: psoutaslittle@gmail.com


Mary P. Tonneberger
Mary graduated with a B.A. in History from Denison University, a M.A. in History and a B.S. in Education from the University of Missouri. She worked for 30 years in the field of marketing research and was the Senior Vice President for National Accounts at Wirthlin Worldwide in Reston, VA. She retired in 2000, and has lived in Omena for 26 years. Mary served for 16 years on the school board in Kent County, is a certified teacher in 5 states, and holds a strong belief in the power of a sound education. She is currently involved in the Suttons Bay Rotary Club, the LWVLC, Traverse City Economic Club Board, Area Agency Board of Director, and local Omena community boards. She is a strong believer in community involvement, and in the past has been an elected official at the township and county levels. Mary thoroughly enjoys living in Leelanau County and helping new arrivals to the area succeed.
Email: mptomena@torchlake.com

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Ty Wessell
Ty has a B.S. in Education, a M.A. in School Counseling, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. He is a retired University and K-12 educational administrator and teacher. He currently resides in Northport, Michigan. Ty knows that quality early childcare programs lay the foundation for success in school and life, and that is what got him involved in the LECDC. Ty currently is the Leelanau County Commissioner for District 4 and serves on the boards of the Leelanau Township Community Foundation, Northern Lakes Community Mental Health, Networks Northwest, Omena Historical Society, and Resources for Economical & Accessible Community Housing (REACH). He is also a member of the Traverse City Economics Club, Northport Lions, Suttons Bay/Leelanau County Rotary, League of Women Voters, and the Omena-Traverse Yacht Club. Ty is a father, grandfather, husband, reader, gardener, and community volunteer.
Email: ty.wessell@gmail.com